Center for African Studies

A Community Leader in African Studies
The Howard University Center for African Studies (CfAS) is a comprehensive Title VI National Resource Center and a campus-wide hub that supports and enhances Africa-related teaching and research across Howard University’s schools, academic departments and centers. In accordance with the mission and vision of Howard University, the Center works to consolidate and expand the legacy of HU as a leader for America and the global community in relation to the study of Africa. The Center promotes and supports teaching of African languages (Amharic, Arabic, Somali, Swahili, Wolof, Yoruba and Zulu) in the Department of World Languages and Cultures, as well as research, instruction and training in other academic and professional fields to provide a fuller understanding of Africa.
Contact Us
Dr. Wheeler R. Winstead
Assistant Director
(202) 806-5904
Center for African Studies
Howard University
2218 6th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20059