Profile headshot photo of Haydar Kurban.

Haydar Kurban



Center on Race and Wealth

Dr. Haydar Kurban

Dr. Haydar Kurban is a Professor of economics in the Department of Economics and Director at Howard University Center on Race and Wealth (CRW). Dr. Kurban has worked on research projects in the areas of racial and wealth equity, payday loans, financial security, retirement, family stability, gentrification, vulnerable populations and climate change, education property taxes, valuation of weather forecast products, and urban renewal programs. His research projects received funding from Robert Woods Johnson Foundation (RWJF), NSF, HHS, HUD, NOAA, SSA, and DHS through awards and subcontracts. Dr. Kurban published articles in Regional Science Urban Economics, National Tax Journal, Review of Black Political Economy, Cityscape, Economic Development Quarterly, Journal of Housing Economics, Economics of Education Review, Review of Public Finance, and other academic journals. His research papers were also published as book chapters, reports, and discussion papers.